My Trading
Voici mes résultats de trading pour la semaine 7/52 de 2019 Une semaine de trading serein. Le capital continue de croître régulièrement. La formation de la semaine prochaine devrait être plus intense! Facteur de profit : 9 Gagnant: 275 Même: 5 Perdre: 8 Vous verrez mes métiers les plus intéressants de la semaine dans cette […]
I am often asked why I only trade indices. Explanations on the advantages of indices for traders. Indices cannot be manipulated In a world where people are becoming more and more paranoid, I am always surprised that very few traders start trading indices. Yet, indices are the least manipulable financial instruments. Forex does not have […]
Does money dominate our lives? For the past few days, I have only met people who talk about money. It is the only prism of their existence, their only motivation, their only value. I sometimes find myself confused by this emptiness and especially by the certainty that no one can think any other way than […]
Here are my trading results for the week 6/52 of 2019 A week of calm trading. Capital continues to grow steadily. Next week's traing should be more intense ! Profit Factor : 8 Winning : 245 Even : 5 Losing : 8 You will see my most interesting trades of the week in this video.
Here are my trading results for the week 5/52 of 2019 A week of calm trading. Capital continues to grow steadily. Next week's traing should be more intense ! Profit Factor : 7 Winning : 205 Even : 4 Losing : 8 You will see my most interesting trades of the week in this video.
Here are my trading results for the week 4/52 of 2019 A week of calm trading. Capital continues to grow steadily. Next week's traing should be more intense! Profit Factor : 6 Winning : 163 Even : 4 Losing : 8 You will see my most interesting trades of the week in this video.
Why do I trade CFDs and Futures at the same time?
Why do I trade with ProRealTime CFD and ProRealTime Futures?
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